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Michael's light eyes looking at Logan over his amazing ass is all he needs to bust. Ever the giver, Ezra flips Logan's legs over his head to bury his face in that cum hole so his dick boy can get off extra hard. He lets the boy know he's about to cum then grabs Logan by the neck, pulling him down to plant a kiss on the kid and let his spent schlong slide out. Michaels looks pretty always, even grunting and grinding his groin HARD as FUCK inside Cross's sweet center. The beautiful bottom spins around to get a look at Ezra's model good looks while getting his rump railed. The camera goes down low to show off Ezra's amazing bubble butt blasting ass before Logan hops on top for a raw ride letting his dick bounce with pure pleasure. Our top then plants that big bareback bone deep as he grabs the boy by the hips and hammers hard. Logan points his bubble to the sky and lets Ezra get to work spreading the smooth ass to make room for his face and fingers. Instructing Logan to take his underwear off, Michaels feeds on his dick and has his ass for dessert. He likes his balls worked and isn't shy about telling the twink what to do. The massively hot Michaels directs Cross to his cock.

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DESCRIPTION: Sun streams through the blinds highlighting the tight, tanned bodies of Ezra Michaels and Logan Cross intertwined in an ass grabbing make out session.

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